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Attention Knee Pain Sufferers, Free Event For You

New Knee Pain Workshop Helps Local
People Get Back to Normal Naturally,
Without Unnecessary Pain Pills,
Injections, or Surgeries



Wednesday, October 23rd

6:30 PM
Madden and Gilbert Physical Therapy
722 Allegheny St #2, Dauphin, Pennsylvania 17018

***Because of space limitations, this event is limited to the first 20 people who sign up...

Go to the Knee Pain Workshop and Learn:


The Top 3 Causes of Knee Pain that can lead to a Knee Replacement and a long recovery (One of them you won't believe...).


The #1 Single Biggest Mistake that Knee Pain sufferers make that can lead directly to surgery.


A sure-fire way to get your life back and pick the right treatment for the cause of your pain (and save you time and money).


What successful treatment and permanent relief look like without the side effects of unnecessary medications, injections or surgery.


Spots are limited and will go fast. Reserve your spot now!

Brett Morrison, DPT

Madden and Gilbert Physical Therapy

Who is the Workshop For?

The Knee Pain Workshop is for people suffering with knee pain who are looking to feel normal again and heal naturally without medications, injections and surgery.

This Free Workshop is for You If:


Are you afraid to move because you fear your knee might give out?


Do you find yourself taking Tylenol, Aleve or Advil just to get through the day?


Are you missing out on family time because of knee pain?


Have you changed the way you do everyday activities - like going up and down stairs or getting in and out of a car?


Do you try to just “keep going” but you feel limited in what you can do?


Do you feel worn out and held back because of your knee?

What Do Others Have To Say About The Knee Pain Workshop?

"My reason for coming was to increase the mobility of my right knee. The improvements are wonderful. By equalizing my strength & flexibility I am able to walk, run & cycle not favoring my left leg. As an avid road cyclist this is extremely important. The improvement allows for a full pedal stroke equal on both right & left. Simply a wonderful service – friendly, courteous & most helpful at every step."

Richard N.

"I came to Madden with a knee injury from playing tennis and unable to do normal daily activities. Danny and Nate helped me strengthen my knee and get back on the courts in 7 weeks. I’m thankful for the individual attention and advice from the staff at Madden (Dauphin). Will definitely recommend to friends and family. Thank you!"

Susan K.

"Left knee was in constant pain, but after intense PT, I am able to move without pain. Thank you for giving me back my life! You are a great group of people."

Drue S.

We have limited spots available that will fill up fast, so sign up now to avoid missing out.